OADA Member Benefits

OADA provides a number of essential services for its members. From legislative representation to educational seminars, OADA's service and product packages benefit every dealership within the association.


AUTOCAP works to improve customer relations through a simple, but effective process that settles complaints and saves the dealers both time and money.

Legal Hotline

General dealer related legal questions on a wide variety of topics or concerns can be put to rest with a simple phone call that would otherwise cost you upwards of $200 per hour elsewhere.

Legal Defense Fund

Established to provide financial and /or legal assistance to dealers or dealer groups in proceedings before state and federal courts and administrative agencies where the outcome of the proceedings would have a substantial impact on the dealer body.

Legislative Representation

OADA has achieved impressive results in protecting Ohio automobile dealers and their investments.

OADA Services, Inc.

Harnessing the power of group buying allows dealerships to operate at the lowest expense possible.

Publications & Meetings

Including our Monthly Newsletter, Annual OADA Directory, Annual OADA Convention, Educational Seminars, Golf Outings, and more...

Workers' Compensation

Since 1991, the OADA Group Rating Plan has provided dealers with savings and rebates in excess of 280 million dollars.


Membership dues are based on the number of new units sold during the last calendar year. Secondary locations that are part of the same dealer network save approximately 10% off of their dues rate.

Annual Billing Rate from January1 to December 31

Number of Units Annual Dues
1 - 200 units $600.00
201 - 400 units $875.00
401 + units $1,210.00

Please note: Only new licensed and franchised dealerships in Ohio are eligible to join.  OADA does not have affiliate membership programs, however many metros around the state do.  For affiliate memberships, contact the appropriate metro association representative.

To apply for membership, contact DeAnna Zahniser, Membership Coordinator, at 614-923-2231, or dzahniser@oada.com.